What is your background in plush creation?
None. Nothing besides simple hand stitch techniques to sew buttons. My mother is a seamstress and sewed many different things since I was small but she never showed me how to make anything nor did I try to learn. I honestly never saw myself ever using a sewing machine, let alone create plushies. I was more of a plush collector. Some time last year I just decided I wanted to make my own plushies so I did lots of research online and watched a few videos before deciding to make my first plush. I've been hooked since and I can't stop creating them!
How did the shop get its name? (:
As I've said, I was more of a plush collector. I started with a bird plush that I had since I was four and I just kept collecting them. I don't have a roomful of plushies but I have quite a bit of them. All of them together kind of remind me of a garden. There's so many different kinds of plushies just like a garden can have different kinds of plants or flowers. Eventually I'd like to have a plush garden of my own plush creations :) Who doesn't want a plush garden? Haha
How long does it take to build a plushie from start to finish?
Some can take as little as 10 hours or less. Others take 50+ hours. It really just depends. If it's a simple plush that I have a pattern for, it wont take me long. However, one that I have to create a pattern for can dramatically increase the amount of time it takes. Not only that but the complexity can also affect how long. Even if it's a small plush, it might have a lot of little details that may or may not be added because of size. If they are incorporated, it usually means it will be time consuming. A small plush is almost as hard as making a normal sized one or bigger. The materials used can also play a role. I may or may not have the right fabric for a plush. So that means I have to order it and that itself can take weeks. Though I do try to plan during that time, but making plushies is not an easy task.
What is the most unusual plushie you have ever sold?
Well, I am fairly new so there's only so many plushies I have made, haha. And I have a set of do's and don'ts so I can honestly say that I have yet to sell something unusual. I will be making something different in the future though? Syakomon, a digimon. It's a little creature that looks like an open clam with teeth and a little green glob inside. Does that count? ;) I haven't been asked to make anything weird yet but I will let you know when it does happen!
Aside from plushies, what is your most favorite thing to create?
That's kind of a hard question. I have always loved arts and crafts. I began with drawing, then did jewelry for a bit. Actually I had a little business with jewelry until school started getting more serious and I started to have less time with it that I eventually lost motivation. I also did other little things like wood burning art and yarn weaving. I want to say it's anything art related. I still enjoy drawing, creating jewelry, creating other things with clay, wood, and other mediums. I just don't have enough time to create anything else besides plushies, haha.
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