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And now it's time for... Kerri Berri Kids Yoga!

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Kerri Louise is a certified yoga instructor based in Wilkes-Barre, PA. She takes joy in making yoga accessible to all, and in recent years has formed a yoga program consisting of fun and engaging courses for children of all ages.

Please tell us a little about your background in yoga and nature spirituality.
I have been practicing yoga for 10 years, and have been blessed enough to teach it to both children and adults since 2017. When I discovered yoga I was immediately drawn into the ebb and flow of the movement and the breath. It was simply everything I needed my mind, body and spirit to experience and it has taken me on a beautiful journey of self love and love for others. Nature is at the core of my practice as I utilize the seasonal changes, placement of the sun and phases of the moon to enhance the intentions I set for my practice.

Is teaching yoga to children different than teaching yoga to adults?
Yes!! Teaching yoga to children is nothing like teaching adults! Kids yoga classes are more fun, energetic, and exciting! We have to engage each child with mindful games and activities, dancing, fun yoga postures, while also allowing them to create their own yoga practice that they are comfortable with. The one thing that IS consistent between adult and children’s yoga is the relaxation and meditation towards the end of class.

What environment do you find most ideal for practicing and instructing yoga?
Yoga does not have an ideal environment, besides one that is relaxing and comfortable for the practitioner. It is similar to prayer. I can connect to Source anywhere, anytime. I do not need to be in a church to pray. Yoga is the same. I do not need a studio, a park, a beach or anywhere else. All I need is a place I feel comfortable and connected. That is where I will practice.

What are some of your favorite fun yoga exercises that can be enjoyed by young learners?
I love using small Pom Pom balls to show children how to breath properly. Each child gets a straw and a Pom Pom ball that stays on the floor. The children breathe in through their nose and out of their mouth through the straw which will blow the Pom Pom ball across the room. Whichever team gets to the other side first wins the game!

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