How long would you survive in a horror movie?

Fungamery Staff


If you were a character in a horror movie, just how long would you survive? As we all know, it is common for many characters to make detrimental mistakes, and meet their doom. But how about you? Take this quiz and see how far you would last. You need a score of at least 80% to ensure your survival!

Question 1 out of 15
There is a knock at the door in the middle of the night. You open it, and no one's there. How do you react?
  • Go outside and have a look around.
  • Lock and bolt the door, hide under my bed and call 911.
  • Close the door and go back to bed. It must have been my imagination.
  • Stand there at the open door, shouting: "Hello? HELLO?? Is anyone there???"

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